Setting up a build environment

Setting up a build environment for Robigalia is easy! First, clone the "devbox" repository:

git clone --recursive robigalia && cd robigalia && git submodule update --init --remote

Set the RUST_TARGET_PATH environment variable in your shell configuration to path/to/robigalia/sel4-targets. Be sure to either source the new configuration, set the environment variable in your current shell, or start a new shell. Something like this in your ~/.bashrc:

export RUST_TARGET_PATH=$HOME/proj/robigalia/sel4-targets

Followed by source ~/.bashrc, to set the variable in your running shell.

Make sure you have a recent Rust nightly installed. If you’re using rustup, run something like:

rustup default nightly-$DATE

The $DATE we use for CI can be found approximately here.

After that, just one last step for Rust:

cargo install xargo && rustup component add rust-src

There are also some Python-related dependencies that need to be installed. If you have pip available, the following should be sufficient:

pip install --user sel4-deps

Before building any robigalia low-level libraries you will need to cd path/to/robigalia/sel4 and configure the sel4 kernel (see here):

make x64_qemu_defconfig

The robigalia low-level libraries read in these configuration values at build time and use them to correctly match the sel4 kernel ABI and for conditional compilation.

Now, you should be able to cd path/to/robigalia/hello-world and execute:

./ --target x86_64-sel4-robigalia

To build the hello-world project.

To build the kernel, you’ll additionally need libxml2-utils.

If you wish, you can also use the Docker container that we use for CI. However, this hasn’t been tested outside of the context of CI, and I don’t know how to use it productively.


If you tried following these steps but came across an error, please come to our matrix room or IRC channel so we can help you, and add more details to this section. Thanks!